December 26, 2008
Santa Claus Arrives at Lake Titicaca

December 15, 2008
One World Projects on the Today Show

December 5, 2008
Update on work in Afghanistan

May 8, 2008
World's Largest Coffee Break; Help Set a World Record May 10
This Saturday, May 10, is World Fair Trade Day. To celebrate, the Fair Trade Resource Network is organizing the World's Largest Fair Trade Coffee Break.
Participating in the World’s Largest Fair Trade Coffee Break is a great way to communicate the solidarity of the Fair Trade movement in the U.S. and celebrate those who produce the things that we buy.
At 3 pm Eastern/Noon Pacific on May 10, 2008, we take a break to enjoy a cup of Fair Trade coffee or other Fair Trade beverage. Anyone can participate, so long as you are serving/consuming Fair Trade beverages that are certified by TransFair USA or produced by a member of the Fair Trade Federation. Invite people to your home. Host an event at your church, synagogue, or mosque. Integrate The Break into your local Farmer’s Market.
Fair Trade Resource Network has compiled several resources, including a WFTD Toolkit and WFTD Action Guide and WFTD Media Kit to help you organize your own event. Click here for more information.What's important is that you are counted!!
Email your final count of participants, whether its 5 or 500 people, to Sara Stender, FTTowns Coordinator at sara@fairtradetownsusa.org and send your photos, videos, and stories to wftday@fairtraderesource.org.
Help us set a new record that will serve as a benchmark for future years’ challenges!
May 6, 2008
Recycled Glass Bead Bracelets at Macy's

Thanks for your support!
The Team at One World Projects