A new Greenpeace report published this week reminds us that each cloud has a silver lining: Taxpayers' wallets will be hurting after the economic stimulus, but the proposed plan will cut carbon dioxide emissions by 13 million tonnes per year. That's the greenhouse-gas equivalent of turning off the electricity in 7.9 million U.S. homes or taking 13 million cars off the roads! "The fact that the federal government could spend so much money to slow global warming means we've really turned the page as a country," said Kert Davies of Greenpeace.
Please click below or paste this link into your browser to read the entire article: http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentnews/idUSTRE5146EI20090205?feedType=RSS&feedname=environmentNews
You can do your part to curb global warming by making little green changes in your daily routine. These could include (but aren't limited to) bringing your own shopping bag to the store, passing up the paper cup for a reusable travel mug, or by embracing earth-friendly fashions, such as recycled tire accessories from One World Projects. Not only are these hip handbags made of items that would otherwise go to waste, they're keeping roads and ravines clean by utilizing discarded car and truck tires.
Even the smallest green change makes a world of difference. On behalf of the World, thank you!
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